How do you spell gollum from lord of the rings
How do you spell gollum from lord of the rings

Personality… decrepit, tortured, and sneaky. Sam believes Gollum eventually intends to steal the ring from Frodo by whatever means necessary, and he’s probably right. Gollum has mostly earned Frodo’s trust, but Frodo’s best friend Sam, whom Gollum derisively calls “the fat hobbit,” is always watching him. He’s married to the Ring.Ĭhallenge… regaining the Ring. There are no females suited for a relationship with Gollum-both because they would be disgusted by his appearance, and because he has a one-track mind. He has let the Ring take care of his survival for hundreds of years, and once it is gone, he still thinks of nothing besides getting it back. Even survival is no longer at the top of his list.

how do you spell gollum from lord of the rings

But Gollum may well just be waiting for the right time to snatch the Ring from Frodo. Right now he’s showing the hobbit Frodo Baggins, the current Ring-Bearer, the way to Mount Doom, so Frodo can destroy the ring forever. Gollum is obsessed with the Ring he exists solely for the purpose of coveting and admiring its beauty and power. Profession… self-appointed guardian of the Ring. Sometimes he expresses his kinder “Smeagol side,” while other times he’s vicious and conniving as the creature Gollum. The Ring has granted him “unnatural long life” but in so doing, it has corrupted his body and mind, making him a despicable creature who can’t control his mind or body. Sustaining himself on fish from murky waters, the grotesque Gollum is a far cry from the hobbit he once was. Living… with a split personality, in the Misty Mountains, where the One Ring controls his every thought and action.

how do you spell gollum from lord of the rings

Its intense power over his mind even spurred him to kill his own cousin just so he could call the Ring his own, his “precious.” Smeagol, on the other hand, was seduced by the One Ring. Hobbits were a simple race whose desires went no further than a neighboring pub and a large hot meal.

How do you spell gollum from lord of the rings